Reduce no-shows for your sales meetings

and put your prospects in the mood to close deals by sending them electronic gift cards before the scheduled meetings.

We are still working on the easiest way to reduce no-shows for your sales meeting. We’ll let you know when it’s ready. No spam - it’s a promise!

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Decrease no-shows

Don’t miss out on a sales opportunity, and save time for your sales team by making sure the prospect shows up for the meeting.

Set the mood for closing

Put your prospects at ease and in a friendly mood to increase the chances of this opportunity becoming Closed Won.

Hustle free

B2Gift seamlessly integrates with your scheduling apps and runs in the background fully automated.

Seamless Integration

Seamlessly connect your scheduling apps to learn about upcoming meetings.

Variety of Gift Cards

Choose among hundreds of vendors how you’d like to reward your prospects.

Fully Automated

B2Gift automatically sends gift cards to prospects on your behalf before the scheduled sales meeting.

We’ve been using B2Gift to kick start every new project and can’t imagine working without it.

Nick Usherton
Head of Sales Development at TraceAir

Sign-up for beta

We are still working on the easiest way to reduce no-shows for your sales meeting. We’ll let you know when it’s ready. No spam - it’s a promise!
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